Shropshire Star

Organisation now needs to rethink polarised direction

I am a staunch supporter and advocate for the reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the planet.

Extinction Rebellion protesters

The current mainstream media comment about the special interest group, Extinction Rebellion, having proposed to polarise society over GHG.

I cannot find this on the Extinction Rebellion’s website, however I hope that their leadership have had a good long look at the ramifications of such a policy statement, if it is true.

XR’s core objectives are laudable and should be supported, however, this latest expression would in my opinion be a step too far.

I have concerns for such a new organisation, I appreciate that they are determined to achieve their goals. Their leadership focus appears to have been diverted from its original course towards a narrative designed to distance XR by generating unnecessary barriers to the debate. An orthodoxy like ‘polarisation’ however this is promulgated, it will inevitably lead to failed legitimacy. Disenchanted followers will dwindle due to the expressed views of overzealous individual’s behaviour being related by the media.

Dissident styles unnerve people and I appreciate that the future government and the people’s mind set needs remodelling, however XR needs to keep supporters and not have them criminalised through the exploitation of their supporters youthful exuberance.

XR leadership needs to rethink this polarised direction or rein in those pushing this agenda.

The other question would be “is XR being undermined through unknown influences” originating from their opposing proponents, which is designed to discredit XR’s aims thereby enabling them to sustain their current exploitation of resources and the future wellbeing of all that live on this planet.

The future decisions by XR leadership has to be designed to make things happen lawfully. Currently they are unwittingly becoming a group of ‘extinct recalcitrants’ or ‘eccentric rebels’ in the public’s eye.

As a consequence, they will lose their way to change the public’s mind set, before it has started.

Allan Wilson, Edgmond

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