Consider impact of relief road on carbon emissions
An open letter to Daniel Kawczynski MP:
On re-election to Parliament you are quoted as saying: “I now want to get on with improvements for Shrewsbury, from Future Fit to the North West Relief Road.”
You have also been quoted as saying you had, “joined the Conservative Environment Network, a caucus of Conservative MPs dedicated to conservation and reducing carbon emissions”.
Additionally, you said that you were, “impressed by the number of young people who raised concerns with me about climate change. I intend becoming much more involved with climate change issues”.
In May 2019 the British Government and Shropshire Council declared a climate emergency.
It follows that both would wish to scrutinise all its spending decisions to make sure that climate damaging greenhouse gas emissions are not increased and that zero carbon alternatives are prioritised over those that add to climate damaging emissions.
Will you now reconsider your support of the proposed Shrewsbury North West ‘Relief’ Road?
And will you also consider the impact on greenhouse gas emissions from the construction and increased levels of induced traffic associated with the provision of additional road capacity, and work with interested parties to seek alternative solutions to more road building?
Surely you owe that to the “young people” who raised concerns with you during your election campaign?
It is, after all, their future.
Stephen Mulloy, Shrewsbury
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