Shropshire Star

Happy to abide by laws of this land

Monday morning and I am in ‘Meldrew Mode’. Time to stop this nonsense now.


Every time I see the word it is beginning to grate on me. Remainer this, Remainer that, time to stop calling a spade a shovel.

Remain isn’t a movement, that bus has left. What it is, is referendum losers. There is no more discussion to be had.

What grown up people, particularly if they profess to uphold democracy, have to do, is move on and make the best they can of the cards they have been dealt.

When “our” choices lose an election we don’t become Refusers, sulk with our lives on hold for five years. We accept that life isn’t always perfect for us and make the best of things.

As a referendum loser myself I didn’t get what I wanted but I am so proud to live in a country that gives the people the opportunity to vote freely on such matters and I am happy to live and abide by its rules.

Mike Melaniphy, Bridgnorth

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