Shropshire Star

Meghan not right choice for Harry

The Queen has been a true servant to this country from the day her wonderful father George VI sadly passed away.

Meghan and Harry

I know that times sadly, have changed, not usually for the better, and there are those who claim to be republicans, who would like to see the end of the monarchy.

Over the last decades we have seen divorces, as well as other challenges that our dear Queen has had to deal with, and all with her usual grace.

I, as a true supporter of our Queen and country always suspected Meghan, who as an American simply does not even begin to understand what the word ‘service’ means, would be an irresponsible person for Harry to choose.

The fact that he fell in love with her because of an attempt to model herself on his mother Diana, who by the way she couldn’t hold a candle to, tells the whole story to anyone with half a brain, that she has from the start, manipulated herself into a position she in no way merits or deserves.

Martin Eddies, Shrewsbury

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