LETTER: Not fair to single out students
A reader questions a columnists point on students during the coronavirus outbreak.
I realise that Mr Rhodes’ function is to write an op ed piece to spark discussion, however, I think that he has overstepped the mark in vilifying students based on one unattributed quote: “A reader lives opposite a house occupied by university students and was surprised, in these lockdown times, to see a visitor arrive on a bike and knock at the door. She was warmly greeted by one of the students and the two women hugged on the front step and then took selfies together. Social distancing? Not for them. And these are students, the most intelligent kids our nation has produced and our hope for the future. God help us.”
Any social gathering outside the government guidelines is unacceptable, but this piece singles out students unnecessarily and, in my opinion, irresponsibly.
If you look at the data from Greater Manchester Police on the 660 (appalling) reports of social gatherings last weekend, there is a fairly even spread across Greater Manchester with no hot-spots in student areas.
This is the difference between evidence and hearsay
I am very disappointed in this from what is otherwise an excellent newspaper.
Alan Cook, Oscroft, Cheshire