LETTER: Reward our front line workers!
A reader calls for frontline workers to be rewarded for their efforts.
I listened to Boris Johnson and read his comments and my head is full of uncharitable and unprintable thoughts. Is this the same man who as part of this government oversaw massive cuts to the NHS, slashed the number of nurses and hospital beds? When warned about the possibility of a pandemic and the need to stockpile essential supplies ignore that advice for which we are now paying the price. We have just received a plane load of essential supplies from Turkey!
He praises the two nurses who looked after him. Did he know that they were immigrants! They will soon have to pay a huge sum if they want to come here. Nurses have to pay towards their training. What other people have to pay towards theirs?
Hancock mumbles and bumbles through his sessions trying and failing to reassure us that everything is under control. He should listen to those on the front line desperate for PPE to protect themselves as they try to save lives. That also applies to all those work in the care sector and other public services.
When this is eventually over will thought be given as to how we can reward these people or will it gradually be allowed to recede into memories and the status quo returns. One thing for sure some people will make a lot of money from this and it will be poorer section that will suffer. I wish I could think otherwise.
Terry Hillier, Four Crosses