Shropshire Star

LETTER: A poem - Going Viral

A reader shared their poem regarding the coronavirus outbreak.

An electron microscope image of a coronavirus

Going Viral 2020

In these uncertain days of germs and social isolation

When fear and panic grip the hearts of each and every nation

With toilet rolls worth more than gold and hand gel gone extinct

And flour, if ever spotted, has vanished in a blink

Don’t be that greedy stockpiler, just thinking of yourself

Leave supplies for other guys, not an empty shelf.

Don’t trample that old person as you grab the final crumb

Stand aside 2 metres and make sure they get some

Wear gloves and masks in public and do not touch your face

If someone else is near you, do not invade their space

But most important - wash your hands, when you step through your door

Sing happy birthday two times through and wash your hands some more

Put rainbows in your windows, a constant sign of hope

A symbol that together we will find the strength to cope

Each Thursday night at 8pm we show appreciation

And clap for carers everywhere, the heroes of our nation

Coronavirus came along and stopped life in its tracks

So take this time to free your mind and let yourself relax

Life has reached a standstill, like a wound down clockwork train

Oh how we long for freedom and to see our friends again

So while we’re all in lockdown, take advantage of the chance

To see the beauty in your life and laugh and sing and dance.

As no-one’s going to see you, you can spend life in the nude

Just be sure to put some clothes on if you venture out for food.

Embrace the social media for keeping us in touch

With those we love and care for, the ones we miss so much

Someday in the future, we’ll all have a tale to tell

But meanwhile please remember Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Well

Sue Jamieson, Wem