LETTER: Too little, too late and too casual
A reader questions the slow reaction to the coronavirus outbreak.
Like most people I have found the scale of the covid19 outbreak almost beyond comprehension. It has swept around the world and I think a lot of people in this country were complacent about it. We saw pictures of Boris Johnson in the House of Commons sitting in very close proximity to other MPs as if to say “This is an outside problem and we will deal with it as such!” Well he soon had personal experience of it.
We allowed a football match between Liverpool and Madrid of all places. A club right in the centre of the crisis. Like all Big matches both groups of supporters were in close proximity to each other. Before and after the game there would have been further mixing and Liverpool is not that far from Shropshire. The data shows the effect this had and is having to this day on the area. Definitely a spike.
There are very many comments in world wide news that we are now top of the lists comparing countries that have failed to properly deal with the situation. Why so?
Basically too little too late, too casual.
We did not really clamp down on international travel and say you come here, right that’s 14 days quarantine as some did. It was not good to see health workers in surgical masks and not respirators and not good to see staff in highly infectious areas not using state of the art equipment. Old people in homes seemed to have been abandoned.
We need to stand back and take a good look, not from a country stance but from a world stance, at how we are going to deal with this stuff in the future.
It’s not just about masks, it’s about a lot more.
Robin Lloyd, Ellesmere