LETTER: Lockdown poem
A reader shares a lockdown poem.
Outside tonight in the dead of night, the silence like a shroud,
I thought of the measly stalker and thought I’d shout out loud,
Show your face you coward; show it to us all,
Stop creeping round invisibly and answer to my call,
Just show your face to all of us and soon our battle’s won,
Show your face to everyone and let us watch you run.
But the lethal deadly prowler is one as yet we cannot fix,
So he spreads his evil round us and pulls us in the mix.
He waits around to find his victim, silent like a ghost,
Excitedly lurking, he casts his eyes; searching for a host.
He’s shown that he’s not fussy in all he has to do,
He can turn up almost anywhere, killing friends like me and you,
But together we are feisty folk and though the tide swells high,
We shall stand together tall and proud and we will rally to the cry,
We shall pull together firm and strong to overcome the foe,
The best that man has to offer will find all we need to know,
So currently you’re mighty strong, wreaking hell and having fun,
The countdown to your destruction maybe slowly, has begun,
Your strength will fail you really soon, and soon we hope you die,
And we can join the ones we love, and all of us will laugh and cry,
Together we can breathe the air, together we can be,
If we stand apart together now- very soon we’ll all be free
Owen J Lewis, Shrewsbury