Shropshire Star

Letter: What will PM be remembered for?

A reader speculates what Boris Johnson's legacy will be

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson’s Legacy! The lie on the side of the bus is what he will remembered for! Unfortunately for Johnson, he will be damned by any objective analysis of his achievements. Questioning historians will set out the damage his reign inflicted. By the next General Election, in 2024, the UK economy will be a disaster. The GDP in dollars will be lower than when Tony Blair stepped down 17 years earlier. The pound will be at least 35 per cent weaker and the National Debt will be more than doubled. Phew – how could anyone else have done so badly? Boris’s mantra about taking back control will be shown up as an illusion by 2024.

The US and other major countries will not pay much heed to what we say, any trade deal with the US will not deliver significant extra business and we will be a divided nation. Boris has made the rift worse by getting rid of one nation Tories like Grieve, Gauke, and Hammond and having a cabinet and MPs who do not represent any of the 48 per cent who voted remain.

By 2024, his and Dominic Cumming’s cheap headlines will not work and Max Hastings, the PM’s boss at the Daily Telegraph, will be proved correct – Boris was never fit to be Prime Minister.

Bill McClements, Apley