Letter: Maybe celebrities should get pay cut?
A reader suggests celebrities should take a pay cut
I received, in April of this year, a free TV licence which expires on July 31.
I hope that those over 75 years of age are aware that unless they receive pension credits, payment for a TV licence is mandatory.
Being one of thousands of OAPs in Britain who have managed budgets and finances with due diligence, why should I be punished? Can I afford this additional outgoing? Barely with all the other commitments on my very limited income.
Then I pick up on an item written by our very own Peter Rhodes whereby he informs us, his dedicated readers, that a budget allocated for the new set of EastEnders has risen from £59 million to £87 million and counting. I am assuming that this overspend will be subsidised by the taxpayer and licence fees?
So BBC, without any respect and come what may, you will not be receiving this widow’s mite.
Perhaps your overpaid and underworked employees and celebrities would be willing to take salary reductions in these straitened times?
Glenys Gaynor Fox, Broseley