LETTER: Two state solution may be the only way to achieve peace
A reader discusses the situation in Israel and Palestine.
Richard Camp may well be correct that Jewish people lived in Israel/Palestine before anyone else (The Holy Land is rightful home of Jewish People, Star mail 17.07.2020), but the case he makes to link that fact to present day conflict is seriously flawed. If the logic is followed, then Mr Camp will need to plan for white Americans to return to Europe, white Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans likewise, not to mention the Spanish and Portuguese who will need to vacate South America in favour of the Aztecs, Incas and the rest of the indigenous tribes. I suspect that Mr Camp may well have bitten off more than he can chew. The fact is that the world has moved on, in terms of conquest, exploration, trade, colonisation and migration. We are where we are now, and attempts to turn the clock back four thousand years or so is a false prospectus.
Meanwhile, back in the Middle East, whether we like it or nor, Israeli and Palestinians need to settle for the two state solution, agreed at the United Nations, so that the two communities can live in peace, and extremists on both sides can be disarmed.
Me? I'm Jewish, and next week is the 64th anniversary of my bar mitzvah (yes, I'm getting on a bit) but I'll be damned if I'm expected to give my allegiance to the corrupt, quasi-fascist Israeli government, determined as they are to wipe out the Palestinian people. Breaking international law seems to be nothing to them and there will be no peace until the powers that be pressure the Israeli government to see sense and through negotiation and compromise establish a lasting peace to that land.
David Askins, Lightmoor
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