LETTER: Let’s prepare now for the difficult months ahead
A reader warns others to be ready for a tough winter.
Let us get prepared. We must get prepared now for for late autumn and winter. It will be different from any that most people have experienced, just as the past months have. These were months we were not prepared for, but have been managed to the best of our sure knowledge, skill and ability to the situation regarding the virus.
We must use everyone and everything to prepare for what is or may be to come, and add to our usual but varying winter demands.
No one should be without a real place they can call home, rather than somewhere to sleep.
No one should be without sufficient income to be able to lead their lives in reasonable comfort.
No one should need to resort to theft by any name, or the need for handouts and second hand goods. Note the words NEED TO.
No one should feel insecure in any way. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was no crime??
No one should feel second class.
Everyone should be able to contribute, in a meaningful way to the lives of others.
Everyone should reach their full potential and share their gifts to improve our world or at least preserve it.
What a list! But practically we’ve first got to find a safe way to get through winter observing all restrictions. This will cost real thought and investment, improved roads, improved and extended pavements, bridle paths, cycle paths, transport extended for all, cover as we queue to access shops etc. So much more will also be required, all costing money and skill. Transfer it from kudos ventures costing billions, benefitting few, while extending skills to maintain and continue to improve facilities for all.
Contentment should be felt by us all. What a dream! What a hope! It could be ours if we really are prepared to cooperate to achieve it.
B Flowers, Newport
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