LETTER: All work together for a much better and safer future
A reader discusses social distancing.
Trying to distance is far from easy. Our roads, pavements or worse - lack of pavements and lanes - are not wide enough. To make it worse many are narrowed by growth of plants and bushes.
Trees and bushes have been weakened by the weather conditions, so that already branches of some size have fallen, even whole trees and we are yet to face worse.
Passing places that are properly designed are a must on lanes in particular, especially as cars become heavier and larger in every way, so that in some towns even, passing vehicles are virtually touching.
We need the conditions of all surfaces, verges, plants and trees inspected regularly, and repairs and improvements made faster than ‘as soon as possible’. The inspections should be done very regularly by trained staff, and records should be kept with results noted and inspected. This is plenty of work for the unemployed to do as a proper job to benefit so very many and keep people and property safe. It will cost money, but will also save money by preventing accidents and damage.
Again, I really believe that we must all work to make the environment better for all, not just for the few. If we forget some of the grand schemes and use the skills and finance to improve our ability to travel by any means, including ‘shanke’s pony’ in a safer way, we’ll all find living easier and more pleasurable.
Please don’t blame farmers and their machines for all the damage. It may be true but they need those larger machines, often hired or shared, to have a real chance of earning a living for their family and those of their employees.
We must help also by buying food of uneven shapes and sizes, often unwashed, which means they will stay fresh longer, perhaps all winter as they used to. No more posh wrapping in virtually identical packs.
Together we can create a safr, better, if more simplenew future, hopefully having Covid and flu under control, and less stress for all.
B flowers, Newport
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