LETTER: Trump’s actions just beggar belief
A reader discusses Donald Trump.
English is a superb language: it has many ways of describing things, events, and actions for example. I'd like to think that having been on this earth for more years than I care to mention, my vocabulary is more than adequate to describe my world and people in it.
I realised, however, this is certainly not the case when observing the antics of a certain orange coloured lunatic currently president of America. His tenure and actions over the last four years beggars belief; I truly am convinced Trump has mental issues, which will no doubt help him to escape the prison sentence he so richly deserves for his latest deplorable actions leading to mob rule overtaking democracy.
If a member of Joe Public had acted in this way, I wonder how long it would be before the full weight of the law came down upon them- pretty damned quick I reckon!
It really goes to show how close our so-called democracies are to potential collapse and it makes me wonder if the last slaughter, sacrifice and misery of WW2 was worth it.
W I Huxley, Reabrook
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