Shropshire Star

LETTER: Raise the issue of lack of vaccinations among vulnerable

A reader discusses vaccines.

Last updated
Margaret Keenan, 90, as she became the first person in the United Kingdom to receive the Pfizer/BioNtech covid-19 vaccine.

I am astounded that no one in the press has raised the issue around the lack of vaccinations for the most vulnerable in our communities.

We heard on a rececnt Press briefing that 25% of care home residents and staff have been vaccinated. This is pathetic. This group was given the highest priority, but just as they were sacrificed in the first wave of corona virus they are being sacrificed again. 100% should have been included in the 2.3m already vaccinated.

The mass vaccination centres are vaccinating NHS Staff because it is easy and the numbers look good.

Here in Ludlow no one has been vaccinated in the community at all and only two care homes have been scheduled for vaccination to date. Again the RSH, RJAH and PRH have been vaccinating NHS staff but what is happening in care homes and in the community where the residents are most vulnerable? Certainly nothing in the Ludlow community. No vaccination site identified: the nearest the Authority has got to is deciding if Ludlow Racecourse needs new flooring and whether vaccination could fit in with the racing calender. Really????

Our MP takes every opportunity to seek publicity, on the occasion when one Ludlow Nursing Home received the vaccine Philip Dunne was miraculously there, now tonight he is extolling the fact that NHS Staff are being vaccinated. What about his Constituents in Ludlow and South Shropshire, the oldest in the County, who have not seen or heard about any vaccination?

Come on Shropshire Star, ask the obvious questions, not allow people to monopolise the news for their own gain.

Judith Gifford, Ludlow

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