LETTER: Six out of ten for Boris’s roadmap out of lockdown
A reader discusses the roadmap out of lockdown.

Time to mark Bojo Minor's 'Roadmap' homework.
I have of late noticed a great change in Bojo Minor's demeaner. Time was when he'd come to school giving the impression of Billy Bunter after a raid on the tuck shop. I could almost hear the strains of Jupiter the bringer of jollity from the Planets Suite playing in the background.
That was prior to his very necessary public canings.
Having completely messed up his previous Covid A Level, Bojo Minor has done a resit. I've marked it and grudgingly given him a six out of ten.
He gets good marks for answering his multiple choice question correctly.
1 Should lock down be lifted immediately?
2. Should it be a phased release?
3 Should we stay locked down for life as it is currently impossible to eradicate covid completely?
Full marks for answering 2.
His essay as to why there should be many weeks between each stage of release was somewhat lacking in imagination. Having been marked down to zero in his previous exams on lock down, he has been cautious and ensured wriggle room for himself if things go wrong. On the other hand if things go better than expected he can bring forward his road map. I can to some extent understand his thinking, and as this is a good attempt, have given him high marks.
I have had to mark him down severely however regarding his groupings whereby each part of society/businesses come out at vastly different times, He has shown a total lack of logic in deciding which part of society should be grouped together and his very low marks reflect this.
I have added a comment on his school report which says:
"In the past week Bojo Minor has shown much improvement but I feel he could do better. I also believe that a haircut might also add to his future development. I also believe that putting Bojo Minor in detention and giving him 'lines' to write out ' I must not have another lock down' has helped him in this."
Alan Etheridge, Dudley
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