LETTER: Will there be the political courage to close schools?
A reader discusses schools.
The current lockdown is probably having a positive effect on Covid infections. Recent data suggests the vaccination is also having a positive effect.
However, there is a body of opinion which thinks opening of schools will reverse this improvement. Many schools have remained open for key workers' children and there has been no significant increase in infection during the current lockdown. Most of the lockdown restrictions will remain when the schools are opened.
The effect of opening the schools can thus be assessed. If no significant increase in infections occurs, the roadmap to the reduction in restrictions can go ahead.
If there is an increase will there be the political courage to close schools? Schools may have to remain closed until the vaccination programme is complete for all adults if there is a surge in infections when schools are opened. After the surge is brought under control, the first steps in removal of restrictions can continue.
The current plan is if there is an increase in infections after one of the steps of the roadmap, the roadmap programme will be halted. If such delays occur, the vaccination programme for all adults may be completed before the end of the roadmap programme.
If this situation should happen, it may be possible for the end of lockdown to coincide with the completion of the vaccination programme.
It is almost certain a date for the completion of the vaccination programme can be predicted. Hence businesses in general will have a date to work to.
Niven Mallinson, Stourbridge
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