LETTER: Dom chose his moment to pounce
A reader discusses Dominic Cummings.

Rottweilers can be fine and good at protecting owners but I wouldn’t want one to turn on me and for that reason, I was surprised that Bojo had taken a stick to his Rottweiler of many years, the sometimes barking mad Dom Cummings.
I had fully expected a chunk to be taken out of Bojo’s rear end at the time of Dom exiting his kennel but nothing happened. It turns out that this particular beast not only has big teeth but is also cunning and chose his moment to pounce. As ever with Boris, he never seems to see any danger coming his way but surely when you have a guard dog which has buried the political bones and who therefore knows where to dig them up, even an intellect as limited as Bojo’s would have trodden more carefully.
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