Shropshire Star

LETTER: Current situation with booking a holiday is a farce

A reader discusses going on holiday.

Passengers prepare to board an easyJet flight to Faro, Portugal.

I have been watching the latest Government farce regarding booking foreign holidays.

Portugal was on the green list but is now on the amber list, so many people are now virtually stranded in a foreign country after booking holidays to a “safe” destination. Gibraltar has no deaths or cases of the virus, but is not on the green list, I wonder why? Also, have any readers heard of the outcome of the TWO mass parties that were held in warehouses in Liverpool a few weeks ago that were supposed to be “test cases” for our future regarding transmitting infections?

People attending these gatherings had to have a negative test before being allowed to attend the party, but it was not apparently compulsory to have a test afterwards. Doesn’t that seem strange?

There are flights coming into Heathrow Airport today from RED list countries and they are being diverted to Terminal Three but that information is not being shown on the Heathrow Airport official website. That is also strange.

There seems to be a pattern here don’t you think? I never thought that I would say this BUT come on Roger Watts, please sort all of this out for us, as you seem to know the solution to all of our problems.

Derek Jones, Brierley Hill

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