Shropshire Star

'Councils should immediately repudiate their promotion of Darwin' - Your Letters: March 14

SHREWS COPYRIGHT SHROPSHIRE STAR JAMIE RICKETTS 11/10/2018 - Photos for Shropshire Star Circulation Feature - Shrewsbury - Charles Darwin statue.


Shrewsbury's celebration of Darwin's birthday this year lasts a whole month instead of the usual two weeks. But why should there be any celebration of him?

True, he is credited with "discovering" evolution, but this theory has comprehensively disproved - by science.

Darwin admitted the fossil record showed no evidence for evolution, but said evidence "would be found in time". It hasn't. No-one can demonstrate how one creature has evolved from another.

The discovery of DNA also disproved evolution. The intricate combinations of the four bases of DNA that form any living creature could not occur by chance.

Take as a simple example the life cycle of a butterfly. Such a creature could never possibly form bit by bit over a long period of time. Everything had to be right from the very start. Darwin admitted this about the human eye: "To suppose that the eye...could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” He was right!