Shropshire Star

Round makes a grand entrance to claim the spoils

A first entrance to the 2024 SB Sports Injuries paid immediate dividends for Mid Shropshire Wheelers Devon Round as he took a fine win on a glorious evening.


Round coped best with the tough challenge of Oswestry Paragon’s Hilly 19, round six of the Series.

He held off a strong challenge from Chris Riley by 1:56, stopping the watch on 43 minutes 35 seconds to take the win, and was pleased with his evening out

“I enjoyed the course and was happy with my pacing,” said Round. “The climbs were tough, but a chance to recover on the fast descents.”

Riley doubled up his overall runner-up spot with a convincing win in the SB Veterans’ Series, recording 45:31 on actual and +6:53 on Veterans’ Standard.

In both cases he beat Paramount team-mate Rich Nickless, returning to time trialling after 10 years away but proving that muscle memory exists. Riley was experiencing the Oswestry 19 for the first time and went home impressed.

“A cracking course for the Oswestry 19 that I haven’t ridden before, brilliant downhill runs and a real buzz to be riding that quickly,” he said.

Nickless registered his first points in many years with a fine 48:39 to take third spot, and +2:43 to take Veterans’ runner-up, with a new bike seemingly reinvigorating his passion for the sport and with a promise of more to come as he regains his top end fitness.

“It’s been a while if you consider nearly 10 years as a break – an itch I just had to scratch! A new bike, so finding the blend between comfort and power; and of course the specific training required is all going to take a bit of time. It’s been a steady return, but I’m happy to be back among the time trialling scene in Shropshire.”

Event organiser Helen Tudor made up some ground in the SB Female Series with a solid effort of 56:37 for ninth overall, but rued that more females didn’t take part, stating: “Despite not liking hilly courses. I do enjoy our 19.

“Considering the weather so far this summer it was a decent night, not too windy, and dry. Shame I was the only female.”

One competition that did gain some interest was the new Road Bike Championship with five riders eschewing aero aids.

Times are age and gender-adjusted to level the playing field, with Oswestry Paragon’s Adam Riley coming out on top in an adjusted 49:09 in his first appearance, beating club mate Jack Young by 59 seconds.