Shropshire Star

Bowls round-up: Mayhew Trophy to be drawn tonight, but Premier club opt out

Three clubs from outside the Shropshire Premier Bowling League will play in its team knockout this season – but one of the 14 member clubs is missing, writes Malcolm Fletcher.

Last updated

The draw for round one of the Mayhew Trophy will be made at the Taylor Support-backed league’s meeting at Meole Brace BC on Tuesday night at 7.30pm.

And Premier chief Rob Burroughs explained: “There are three invited clubs in this year’s draw - Woore and Shifnal from last year’s play-off games and Prince of Wales Hotel, who replace the Bylet, who have decided not to enter this year’s competition.”

Bylet’s opt-out follows an appeal from Cheryl Caswell, the Bridgnorth club’s captain last year, who said: “Bylet are looking for bowlers to play in the Premier on a Friday night!

“Whether you are not currently playing Prem but always fancied giving it a go, looking to move Prem clubs because you fancy a change in scenery or just fancy spending your Friday night bowling on an island - Bylet needs you!”

Tonight’s meeting will see prize money levels set for 2025 and another Hall Of Fame player selected from a shortlist of five that includes past County Merit winner Wayne Rogers.


Clubs in two Shropshire seniors bowls leagues will vote on rules that allow bowlers to play twice in the same fixture.

Delegates will decide between two proposals at the North Shropshire veterans association’s executive meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the Beacon Community Centre in Market Drayton.

“The pre-season executive meeting at 2pm will be preceded by a short EGM to qualify the methodology of persons playing twice,” said Simon Fullard, the secretary-treasurer of the body that runs the Barlows Whitchurch Over-60 and Market Drayton Senior Citizens leagues.

It will be draw time for the Market Drayton doubles knockout at the end of the meeting, after discussion about a proposed mid season draw for partners doubles competition for Drayton league bowlers.


The new sports complex at Allscott Heath is the scene of a crunch bowls triple header on Tuesday night.

Outside on the artificial green the first champions of the Allscott Heath Winter League will be decided as Shifnal take on Wrockwardine Wood in a rearranged final fixture.

Shifnal, unbeaten after 16 matches, need 14 out of a maximum 20 points to pip Bylet to the title, having ended the hopes of Allscott Avengers by thrashing them 20-4 on Friday with three single-figure winners from the four games.

But the Wrockites enjoyed two maximum-point hauls last week and have been using a pool of players that includes the likes of Jamie King, Martin Gaut, Will Childs, Josh Cotton and Phil Jones.

Chris Hayward, bowls chairman of the village club near Telford said: “It’s the title decider of the season and should be a great game.”

Meanwhile, inside the club, the Shropshire Ladies association and Shrewsbury Ladies League hold a joint pre-season meeting.

On the agenda is collection of affiliation fees from clubs, availability of players for county senior or veterans squad and the draw for County Cup and D & M Morrey knockout.