Wem League clubs face fines for missing deadlines
The Wem League is poised to get tough on clubs who miss deadlines by hitting them with new fines.
Punishments for failure to pay league fees and return club registration forms on time are on the agenda for the league’s AGM tonight at Bagley BC in Shrewsbury (7.30pm).
League secretary Graham Hughes explained: “It is proposed to introduce a £20 fine for any club failing to submit a correctly completed club registration form by the first executive meeting following the AGM. It is vital to have the information on these forms prior to the commencement of the season.
“It’s also proposed to introduce a straight £25 fine for any club not paying their league fees on time.
“I do not want to issue fines to any club and it is hoped that all clubs will abide by the rules adopted at the AGM.”
The popular league enjoyed a first ever finals and presentation day at Greenfields in 2019, which Hughes described as excellent.
“The 2019 season proved to be the smoothest since I took over in 2017 and my thanks go to all club secretaries and committee members for their valued assistance,” he adds in his report.
Rule change proposals and the formation of the league will also be discussed tonight, when the league needs to elect a new safeguarding officer.