Bowlers ordered to stop playing
Crown green bowlers and clubs in Shropshire and Wales have been ordered to stop playing due to Lockdown II.

The second suspension of the year came into force yesterday, issued by the Shropshire association’s safeguarding officer Phil Scott and backed up by the sport’s governing body, the BCGBA.
“Having read the new restrictions, we are of the opinion that there is no way crown green bowling can take place within a safe environment – and, in consultation with the BCGBA, we are directing clubs/players to stop crown green bowling,” said Scott.
“We appreciate this may cause disruption to on-going winter leagues, club competitions (internal and open) and casual bowling, but our view is that the health and safety of our members is of paramount importance and overrides other considerations.
“When these restrictions are lifted/amended we shall issue further directions.”
British association CEO Mark Bircumshaw confirmed: “All community sporting activity is to close. There are a few exemptions, but these do not apply to bowls.”