Shropshire Star

AFC Telford United awarded funding for pitch renovation at the New Bucks Head

AFC Telford United secured a grant of almost £100,000 to help replace the New Bucks Head's collapsed drainage system that was a 'constant strain' on the club.

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The essential work was highlighted as a priority during the off-season for the Bucks, who have lost a number of games in recent seasons as the suffering playing surface struggled to cope with any rainfall.

And the major repairs have been carried out over the last couple of months, mostly covered by more than £99,000 funding from the Premier League, through its Football Stadia Improvement Fund.

The work, the cost of which was topped up by the club, replaced drains, many of which were more than 21 years old, with a full professional drainage and irrigation system.

Telford chairman Andy Pryce said: "Over several year the playing surface has been a constant strain on the football club.

“Now with help from the Football Stadia Improvement Fund and the Shropshire FA, we have been able to install a new drainage system and playing surface.

“I now look forward to watching the Bucks take to the new pitch as soon as we are able to do so.”

Having been in place for the best part of two decades, the ailing drainage had far outlasted the timeframe in which they were due an upgrade.

The exact figure provided by the FSIF grant was £99,936.00.

There remains work to be continued in the coming weeks but Telford say the upgrade will have 'significant impact' on the qualify of playing surface for years to come.

First-team boss Gavin Cowan has said that the essential upgrades could not have come at a better time for the football club.

The impact will be felt throughout the club as a whole and the community, with a number of junior sides able to compete in their end-of-season Cup finals on the new playing surface.

Earlier this summer Wolves ended their 16-year agreement to stage academy football at the New Bucks Head.

Wolves under-23s played in Telford up until last season, but will now play their home matches at Kidderminster Harriers' Aggborough stadium.

Premier League Wolves' youngsters lost out on a number of fixtures last season due to standing water on the New Bucks Head surface.

Telford are offering supporters the opportunity to associate themselves with one of 200 squares of turf on the pristine new surface.

The sponsorship offer provides fans with a season-long presence in the official matchday programme and club website.

While the Bucks were grateful for the significant Premier League grant that covered much of the repairs, the club had to top up costs.

And one lucky fan will win a signed shirt from Cowan's new first-team squad by pledging a minimum of £20 to sponsor one square of the Bucks Head pitch.

Enquiries can be emailed to sales manager Aimee Lauder at