Shropshire Star

Kevin Wilkin backing his Telford goal-getters

Kevin Wilkin is hopeful that striker partners Reece Styche and Montel Gibson will be back to their best this weekend, writes Dan Stacey.


The AFC Telford United pair have 11 goals between them this season, but have found the going tough in the last few games. And the Bucks boss has put full faith in his frontmen, calling for them to hit the heights they’re capable of during the Christmas period.

“Players aren’t machines, they will have periods where they aren’t at their best and we understand that,” Wilkin said. “If the chances weren’t coming his way you’d be more concerned.

“Hopefully Saturday will give him and Reece the chance to showcase what they’re all about.”

Gibson is Telford’s top scorer this season with seven goals, but he has not found the net since September 26.

But Wilkin, a former striker himself, revealed he has ‘no concerns’ about the 25-year-old’s barren run. “It’s not something I’ve given too much thought to having been a striker myself,” said Wilkin. “Montel’s still working hard and adding things to the group.”

He continued: “Strikers very much can go through spells like this, but if you go back to the Berkhamsted game he had opportunities there that usually he would have taken.

“At this stage there’s no concern about that situation.”