Shropshire Star

Former Shrewsbury goalkeeping coach David Timmins lands Swedish managerial post

The man who nurtured and kick-started the Shrewsbury career of Joe Hart has taken up a managerial post in Sweden.

David Timmins

David Timmins was the goalkeeping coach at Gay Meadow and has left the same role at Town's League One rivals Blackpool.

He has been appointed the new boss of Division Two Norrland side Gällivare Malmbergets FF.

Timmins said: "It’s with a heavy heart to go in some ways, but I couldn’t turn this opportunity down. I’ve always been keen to take on a challenge abroad and this is a real, hands-on role coaching the first team, the youth and the reserves in a beautiful part of the world. I can’t wait to get started now."