Shropshire Star

Key Shrewsbury Town player ruled out for the rest of the season

Shrewsbury Town defender Aaron Pierre has been ruled out for the rest of the season with a groin injury.

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The defender, who only signed a contract extension midway through December, will play no further part in Shrewsbury's quest to stay in League One.

The Town head coach Paul Hurst confirmed the news speaking to the press ahead of the game against Blackpool while saying the club now need to see if Pierre needs surgery.

Hurst said: "It’s bad news on Aaron. He has had his scan, he is out for the season.

“It’s a groin injury. The scan has come back. We need to find out if he needs an operation.

“Ultimately, we won’t be seeing Aaron again this season.

“It’s really disappointing. We made the decision to go with him and Chey (Dunkley) as an experienced partnership at the heart of the defence.

“In both boxes, those players bring an ariel presence

“And the general play as well of those two as well, looking at the make-up of the team overall, that is something that we felt we

needed and had done well for us.

“It’s a blow. But while it’s a blow for Aaron it’s an opportunity for someone else.

“Jason (Sraha) has been the main benefactor in terms of coming on at Reading. He played in a different position at Lincoln.

“But as I’ve said before, squad members have to be ready to step up.”

Meanwhile, Hurst says Shrewsbury need to be prepared to be with or without goalkeeper Marko Marosi ahead of the weekend's game against Blackpool.

Hurst said: "Genuinely, and this is not me playing any sort of games. With Marko there is some swelling around a nerve, and it is one of those where he could literally be OK tomorrow and then not OK for Saturday.

"And the same for longer periods, so it is a really difficult one and one where we are going to have to be open-minded and just prepare to be with him or without him.

“It’s not ideal, as you can imagine. But that is the situation as it is.

“Skitty (Chris Skitt head of medical performance) has said, if anything, he needs to lay off him in terms of treatment just to try and help him recover.

“He has done a lot of work over the past few weeks and I think his body now just needs a little of recovery to that side of it.

“It is an injury but it’s nothing really specific that he can work on.

“We have just got to keep our fingers crossed.

“It’s a problem he’s been managing for a while. He has been having injections.

“But it’s just got to a point where it isn’t comfortable enough for Marko to play.

“Harry got his opportunity. And if that’s the case again that is what we will go with.”