Shropshire Star

Paul Hurst delivers Shrewsbury Town player contract update

Shrewsbury Town head coach Paul Hurst says Marko Marosi is likely to play his football elsewhere next season.


The keeper was offered a new contract at The Croud Meadow when the season ended a few weeks back, despite the club having the option to keep the 30-year-old in his current contract.

It was the club's financial position that led to them offering him new terms, and the head coach says he is unlikely to play in Shropshire next season.

He said: "In terms of Marko, I think we have got to be realistic. He did fantastically well for us, and rightly won quite a lot of the awards at the end of the season.

"I think the likelihood is that Marko will probably play his football elsewhere. I have no hard feelings or anything like that, he has been fantastic since I came in, I feel like I have got a good relationship with him on a personal level, but ultimately, I think there will be a different challenge ahead for him."

Chey Dunkley and Dan Udoh were also offered new deals in Shropshire and Hurst says their future is still in the 'balance'.

"Chey and Dan I would say are in the balance perhaps," Hurst continued.

"I am sure both lads will get other offers, I don't think that will be any surprise to anyone.

"What level they are at or what exactly that looks like, whether that is the length of the contract, the financial aspect or the location.

"All those things come into play, and that is like us trying to bring players in.

"I will be touching base with those players to have some kind of deadline. "At the minute, although it has been a few weeks, players go on holiday, players have personal things going on.

"Right at this moment in time, I am quite relaxed about it. But what we cannot do is wait around forever because it will impact the financial side and budget overall and how many players you need to bring in.

"At some point, there will be a deadline put to the players if we have not heard from them, that is not to come across like a dictator but that process has to happen."

Another player to be offered a new deal by Shrewsbury at the end of the season was Aaron Pierre, and Hurst has given an update on his situation too.

He said: "I think Aaron Pierre, is one, that I am relatively confident about getting done."