Telford juniors are league champions
The Telford junior team were victorious in the Shropshire & Herefordshire Union of Golf Clubs’ Handicap Quad League final with a superb total of 112 points.
They finished nine points clear of runners-up Wrekin Hawks, with last year’s winners Ludlow in third with 101 points, and Wrekin Falcons fourth with 98 points.
The winners go on to represent S&H at the England Golf Junior Champion Club event at Woodhall Spa on August 15-17.
Anthony Moseley emerged triumphant from a keenly-contested battle for Bridgnorth Golf Club’s Octogenarian Cup.
The competition is played over the flat nine holes (four to 12) in a stableford competition off the yellow and red tees, and saw 18 over 80 members take part. And it was Moseley who topped the score charts with 17 points.
Just missing out on the back nine was Ernie Jarman.
Third was Angela Purnell with 16 points, followed by Margaret Thompson, club president Vivien Catterall and last year’s winner Norma Stiles, all with 15 points.
David and Deanna Deighton presented The Octogenarian Cup to Bridgnorth Golf Club in 2019, to be played for annually.
Golf returns
Seniors Long Island Trophy Round Three.
Division One: 1 Marc Tyers 35/11; 2 Alan Denver 34/9; 3 Ian Bullock 34/15.
Division Two: 1 Phill Bailey 34/25; 2 Anthony Spiers 34/19; 3 Jeff Fletcher 33/25.