Shropshire Star

Telford Tigers secure their home for two more years

Telford Tigers have agreed a two-year deal to use Telford Ice Rink as their base for training and home games


It will see the Tigers continue to play their fixtures and conduct training sessions at the Telford and Wrekin Council Ice Rink.

Formed initially in 1985 after the opening of the ice rink, the team won the National League last season as well as Tigers Two the North Laidler League and has a history of producing high quality ice hockey players as well as providing opportunities for borough residents to watch top-class sport.

Club chairman Mike Washburn said: “Over recent years the relationship between the club and the council has strengthened and both organisations now actively support and promote each other whenever and wherever they can.

“We have a shared view of the future of our sport within the borough and beyond which is predicated on both stability and growth.

“This multi-year contract further reinforces that relationship.”

Councillor Kelly Middleton, cabinet member for leisure,public health and well-being at Telford and Wrekin Council said: “We have built up a great relationship with the Telford Tigers and we look forward to continuing this partnership over the next two years.

“We have a fantastic facility here in Telford and we know the games attract visitors from the town and across the region.”