Shropshire Star

Forward Tom Byrne stays at Tigers

Telford Tigers have announced the return of forward Tom Byrne for the 2024/25 season.

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The 20-year-old is back for his third campaign with the club after his best points total at National League level last season with 10 points.

Byrne said: “I’m very excited to be returning for my third season with the Tigers and the chance to work with (head coach) Tom Watkins and the coaching team again.

“I’m looking to improve my game as I feel I have more to offer, and to build on our successful end from last season. See you in September Tigers fans!”

Watkins added: “I think this is a big season for Tom – his third year with the team and I think he has the skills to make a bigger impact once again.

“He’s another year older, another year stronger and has had two good seasons now under his belt so knows what is expected and required to play consistently every night.

“He has very good hands, highly skilled on the puck but the focus is about decision making, adding more grit to his game, being hard and heavy on the forecheck as he’s got good size so needs to put the body about more to help separate pucks and help you to win your puck battles.

“We have spoken about Tom playing through the middle of the ice more, developing him as a centre, which would get him on the puck more and allow to skate on to pucks with more speed.”