Shropshire Star

Coach Bob Adams hails Newport as they complete the great escape

Newport head coach Bob Adams was full of praise for his players after they secured another season of National League Two West rugby.


A stunning turnaround in fortunes was completed on Saturday when Newport picked up two bonus points from a tight 33-29 defeat at home to second-placed Clifton, which coupled with results elsewhere took them 17 points clear of the drop zone with three games remaining.

Adams’ men looked to heading down at Christmas, but a superb run of form since the turn of the year has taken them up to 10th in the league.

“If someone had said to me at Christmas that we would be safe with three games to go, I would have snapped their hand off,” said Adams. “To come from where we were at Christmas is a big testament to everyone involved.

“The players had faith in what we wanted to do and the performances started to improve. We started to stay in games until the final whistle and then we started to pick up a few wins.

“We have picked up 27 points since Christmas and credit to the players because that is a great achievement.”

And although they may have tasted defeat on Saturday, their performance drew praise from supporters and Adams. “A lot of people who have been watching Newport for a very long time said it was the finest game of rugby they had seen at the club,” said Adams.

“It’s a game we should have won and Clifton admitted that. We had chances in the last 10 minutes but we were guilty of trying to force things.

“In my eight years leading the group, that’s the finest performance I have seen from a Newport side, given the standard we are playing at and the level of opposition.

“Clifton have aspirations of playing National One rugby and they had four loanees from Premiership clubs. It was an outstanding effort from the players.”

Charlie Gamble (two), Jacob Leonard, Finley Barnes and George Castledine scored Newport’s tries while Castledine added two conversions.

“You don’t like celebrating after a loss but that was the case after we heard the other results,” added Adams.

“We have three tough games to go starting with Luctonians on Saturday and I want us to back up last Saturday’s performance.

“I don’t want the players to put their cues in the rack, I want us to finish strong.

“It was a fantastic day at the club – there was a large crowd there.

“In my eight years leading the group, that’s the finest performance I have seen from a Newport side, given the standard we are playing at and the level of


“Clifton have aspirations of play National One rugby and they had four loanees from Premiership clubs.

“It was an outstanding effort from the players.”