Shropshire Star

Final sum to tackle health waiting lists ‘still to be determined’ – Nesbitt

Finance Minister John O’Dowd said he will work with Health Minister Mike Nesbitt to tackle the waiting lists.

By contributor Rebecca Black, PA
Mike Nesbitt
Stormont Health Minister Mike Nesbitt (File/PA)

The final sum to tackle health waiting lists in Northern Ireland is “still to be determined”, Stormont Health Minister Mike Nesbitt has said.

It comes after some apparent disagreement over figures published in Stormont’s Programme For Government that was published earlier this week.

The PFG published includes a pledge to spend up to £80 million a year to prevent waiting lists getting any longer and £135 million a year to reduce them.

Mr Nesbitt had previously said he only became aware of the health commitment when he received a final version of the PFG last week.

Both ministers, along with Stormont Finance Minister John O’Dowd appeared together during a visit to a GP surgery in north Belfast on Wednesday evening.

When asked about the situation by media, Mr Nesbitt said the final sum “has still to be determined”, while Mr O’Dowd pledged to work with Mr Nesbitt.

Mr Nesbitt said: “To make sure that the waiting lists do not expand any further we need £80million a year, then to tackle that backlog we need around £135 million on top of that £80 million, and we need it for five years in a row so that everyone is being seen in a timely manner.

“The document to be fair says the commitment is up to £135 million so I am going to sit down with John and we’re going discuss what is going to be possible and the time frame for it being delivered.”

John O'Dowd
John O’Dowd (David Young/PA)

He said this will “start urgently”, adding that he was leaving the visit to head back to the department to speak with senior officials.

“We’re going to give the Trusts the opportunity to start working to reduce those waiting lists. We’re obviously going to have to use the independent sector to some degree.

“I am also looking at restoring the cross border reimbursement scheme which proved extremely popular,” he said.

“So there is going to be a cocktail of delivery in terms of tackling those waiting lists.

“The final sum has to be determined and I think that is absolutely reasonable.”

Mr O’Dowd emphasised that all the ministers around the Executive signed the PFG.

“I am committed to working with each and every one of those Executive ministers to deliver the commitments within that document,” he said.

“I will work with Mike and the others to deliver the funding required for the changes required in health and for tackling a very urgent issue, waiting lists.

“So I, and Mike knows this, will work with him.

“Mike will bring forward the plans.

“The Executive will work with him and do what needs to be done.”

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