Shropshire Star

Shropshire lawyer braves 150-foot abseil drop for charity

Dangling from a rope 150 feet above the ground is enough to send shivers down the spine for most of us - but dozens of brave souls took on the challenge to raise funds for the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital. And one Oswestry lawyer enjoyed the experience so much she wants to do it again!

Miriam Homer gets ready for the abseil. Photo: Lanyon Bowdler

Miriam Homer, of Lanyon Bowdler Solicitors, took part in the ‘Cliffhanger’ abseil challenge at the RJAH in Oswestry alongside other daredevils on 8 June.

Organised by the hospital’s League of Friends, the aim of the event was to raise funds for the Garden for Alice project, which is creating a safe space to promote healing and wellbeing for the paediatric patients on the Alice Ward.

Miriam, who raised nearly £500 through sponsorship, was invited to tackle the 150-foot drop having previously volunteered for the League of Friends charity.

She said: "I was initially quite hesitant to take part in the challenge as I have never really done abseiling before, and I felt very nervous in the morning.

"After waiting for what felt like an eternity, I was strapped into a crate and then I ascended to the top of the crane. It was very cold at the top, which just showed how high up we were.

"The hardest part of the challenge was initially stepping out of the crate. I had to lean backwards and then just push off and descend.

Miriam Homer descends the Cliffhanger abseil. Photo: Lanyon Bowdler

"I was able to control how fast I went down and I had thought that I would just want to get to the bottom as fast as possible, but I was actually surprised at how much I enjoyed it. The view was absolutely amazing so I decided not to rush and to take it a bit more slowly.

"The applause and atmosphere when I reached the bottom was incredible, I would definitely do it again."

Miriam is a personal injury lawyer at Lanyon Bowdler, working from the firm’s Oswestry and Shrewsbury offices.

By Simon Alton - Contributor

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