Shropshire Star

Choir celebrates belated 20th anniversary with special thanks to member

The Marches Choir of Bishop's Castle finally celebrated its 20th anniversary with a belated party following their AGM on September 2 at St John’s Church.

Philippa enjoying an Anthem for Philippa, sung by a small group of choir members Photo: Caroline Babb

Originally founded in 2000 with a performance of Handel’s Messiah to mark the Millennium, the choir’s plans for a 20th-anniversary celebration were thwarted by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, four years later, the milestone was joyously commemorated.

The choir, conceived by local musician Philippa Whitaker, began the evening with a tribute to Philippa’s extensive contributions to the choir and the South Shropshire community over the past 40 years. Fellow choir member Rita Baker had composed verses in Philippa’s honour, which were performed to the tune of Vaughan Williams’ Linden Lea by a small ensemble.

In recognition of her dedication, Philippa was then presented with a specially commissioned bowl, adorned with illustrations of her numerous musical achievements, including her roles as conductor of the Marches Choir and as a flautist and drummer.

Philippa being presented with her bowl by Marches Choir Chairman Heather Willis. Photo: Holly Godman

The celebration concluded with a bring-and-share feast, featuring an array of delicious dishes provided by choir members, accompanied by well-deserved glasses of bubbles.

The choir now turns its focus to rehearsals for their upcoming concert in honour of St Cecilia, scheduled for November 23 at St John’s Church, Bishop's Castle. New members of the choir are always warmly welcomed, and anyone interested can contact for further information.

By Holly Godman - Contributor

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