Welcome to the Dakota Guest House... Blackberry Fair warm up event promises to entertain
Black Liver Theatre Company is making a welcome return to Whitchurch as part of Blackberry Fair's 'Sugar Fiddle on the Fringe' events. Last year it was 'Miss Nobodies', this year it is 'Devilled Eggs' at The Talbot Theatre, Whitchurch Leisure Centre, (SJT School), on Thursday, 3 October at 7.30pm.

Welcome to the Dakota Guest House; the most glamorous B&B this side of Blackpool!
Let your hosts, Roman and Prudence, flip through their guest book of the famous and the infamous. Expect stories of celebrity and notoriety, from their heyday as the B&B to the stars to their present-day haven to the bizarre.
The Dakota is the spirit of Variety; every room is a character with a tale to tell, an act to perform or a song to be sung.
Like The Devilled Eggs it serves, this show is hilarious and homely... but with an extra touch of spice.
From acclaimed theatre makers Black Liver, Devilled Eggs is their latest two-hander play about a guest house over the span of a one night stay (breakfast included).
Like the eggs The Dakota serves at breakfast, this show is fresh, cheeky... but devilishly spicy!
Tickets at £12 adults and £6 under 18's are available on artsalive.co.uk, Crafty Birds in Bredwood Arcade, Whitchurch, or on 07506 724572.
By Jennifer Matthews - Contributor